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What to Do When You Buy a Stock and the Price Goes Down

Phil Town
Phil Town
In This Article

When you invest, it’s bound to happen that once you put your money into a company, the stock price goes down soon after.

This situation happens to a lot of people. It's a real common concern about risk and the stock market.

Now, the first thing you’ve got to understand, as a Rule #1 type investor or a Warren Buffett-style investor, is we actually love stocks going down after we buy them.


For most people, this seems like a big problem.

For this to make sense, you have to understand the difference between price and value.

In this video, I explain what you should do when the price of a stock you buy goes down. It might not be what you think.

Let’s compare this to buying steaks at the grocery store. If I go to the store and the steaks I normally buy for $10 are on sale today for $5. I get excited. The steak is still worth $10 but I’m only paying $5 for it. What if I go back to the store the next day and the steak is even more on sale for $4? Am I going to be upset that the same steak is MORE on sale? Of course not! I’m going to buy even more.

The same is true with stocks:

When we purchase stock in a company, let's say it's worth $10 a share, that's the value of the business. If I'm only paying $5 for it, that's the price.

If I'm buying a $10 bill and I'm paying $5 for it, the fact that it goes down to $4 tomorrow doesn't make me sorry I paid $5 for the $10 bill. What makes me excited is that I have an opportunity to buy more of this great business for $4.

That's great because we are only interested in companies that we know are wonderful and will eventually go back to costing us $10 in a short amount of time. They’re only on sale for a limited time. Understanding the business difference between value and price is crucial to being excited when a stock that you bought goes down further in price.

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