Hi, Phil Town here. Thank you again for attending my recent webinar. I invited you to attend my Transformational Investing 3 day workshop event in Atlanta, but I know how hard it can be to break away from life—family, work, and travel costs could prevent you from coming to this life changing event.
That said, I'm not one to let a little thing like logistics get in the way of your success.
Are you?
See, when I realized that you and a number of other motivated individuals from around the country couldn't make it out to Atlanta, I decided I needed to figure out another way to let you in on this exclusive life-changing event.
So, here's what I'm going to do...
I know you can't make it in person, so I'd like to invite you to join me ... from the comfort of your own home.
Yes, you read that correctly. No travel. No booking a flight. No finding a rental car. No hotel reservations. Just an entire weekend chock-full of fantastic Rule #1 education all from your computer!
How is this possible?
I’ve got one word for you: Livestream
We're going to broadcast every minute of the event right to your computer. The only thing you need is a strong internet connection. Yep, that means you'll get full video and audio of the whole weekend as it happens right there live on your screen. I'm also assigning one of my best coaches to work with you and the other livestream attendees during breakout sessions, where you'll also have the chance to ask questions and interact with other attendees.
you won’t miss a single second
It'll be like you're right there with me and the others in Atlanta... although, regretfully, you'll just have to imagine how tasty our Saturday night BBQ is going to be! I can't think of a better way to get you the critical information you need to take control of your financial future. Because if you don't make the smart move to equip yourself with the kind of important education I'll be sharing over the weekend, you'll be taking a big gamble...
Are you willing to leave your future up to chance?
Look, when you shared how financial independence would change your life, I knew you were up for the challenge. You are READY to learn how simple it can be to take the next step. Despite what you've been told, this stuff is NOT rocket science. The fact is, you can easily make 15%+ per year returns and I'm going to show you exactly how to do it during this weekend.
Sorry - This has sold out!
Don't let financial advisors
screw up your retirement savings.
The financial services industry is making an absolute killing off of your money. They could be screwing up your retirement, making bad investments, and taking money out of your pockets.
Can you really afford that? Are you willing to put up with this? Even if you're just getting started, you deserve better.
Listen, I believe everybody should know how to manage their own money and generate great returns on it. This is a must, especially if you have dreams of enjoying that easy, care-free retirement where all you're doing is clipping coupons and sitting on the beach in Cancun.
And, it's exactly what you're going to learn how to do when you join me virtually for this transformational investing event in July!
Are you ready to transform your life?
This is truly a transformational event — the strategies you'll learn in these 3 days are a financial education in itself. They apply to any kind of investing, and can be used by anyone regardless of your level of investing experience.
I'm not just teaching investing strategies, but life strategies. I want you to be able to retire comfortably!
Truth is, if you don't learn these strategies and put your money to work for you, you could end up with a measly retirement, wondering what you could have done differently. Let's make sure that doesn't happen, okay?
Are you ready to transform your life?
Over the course of three information-packed,
life-changing days, you're going to learn:
And I'm going to fill your head with so much more great stuff to help you totally revolutionize the way you think about, control, and grow your money.
Important: There is absolutely NO PITCHING and NO SELLING of any sort whatsoever at this event. During this hands-on workshop we are only delivering extremely valuable information and investing strategies.
How to Enroll:
I've done everything I can to keep the cost of enrollment to a minimum.
You'll be able to take advantage of the entire three-day event, normally a $4,995 value, for only $197!
This opportunity is incredibly valuable, but it's also extremely limited. There are A LOT of people who want to attend this livestream, so if you register and blow it off, you are taking the spot from someone else who would have benefited from this incredible opportunity.
Compare this $197 opportunity to the $4995 that live attendees have to pay and it should be obvious what a fantastic decision this will be for you and your future. And, although you won't get any of our famous finger-licking good BBQ on Saturday night, with all the money you'll save on airfare, car rental and hotel reservations, you can treat yourself to your own BBQ dinner if you want!
Here's the catch:
Spots are extremely limited
To maintain the highest degree of excellence, we are limiting enrollment to a small number of applicants to attend the event via Livestream. After that, we're - figuratively - closing the doors.
Why are we limiting this? In addition to hearing from me LIVE throughout the weekend, you'll also have a dedicated coach working exclusively with you and your fellow Livestream attendees. I want to guarantee my coaches are able to give you their best at all times. If we're not giving you the one-on-one attention you need and answering your questions, what's the point of doing this at all?!
I'm not willing to sacrifice quality at your expense. It's contrary to everything this event is about. And it's why I simply won't do it and why we're limiting enrollment to such few people.
Spots are filling up FAST!
Initial response to this Livestream opportunity has exceeded even my expectations...
I guess I should have figured this would happen, especially since the live sessions filled up almost immediately and now I'm offering a virtual VIP seat to the $4,995 event for only $197.
And that's why seats are going quickly. It's not every day that an opportunity to totally change your life and your financial future comes along. Really, when was the last time you had that chance?
What happens after sign up?
After you reserve your spot, you'll receive a confirmation email with all the details as well as step-by-step instructions for how to attend via Livestream. It's very straightforward. Just point and click.
I'm so excited for you!
I know this weekend education works. I've seen it over and over again. I can't wait for you to wrap your head around this amazing information. To chart your own path. To make the right decisions. It's really that incredible! It's all possible. It's all right here. And it's exactly what you're going to learn when we share a weekend together.
I invite you to enroll now. I look forward to "seeing" you soon!
To your financial independence,
Phil Town
PS — I can guarantee you that ALL seats will fill up. And fast.
I encourage you to trust your gut and go with your instincts and sign up now. I'm absolutely positive you will thank yourself later!