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Financial Freedom

One Simple Rule

Using the Rule #1 Investing strategy, you will learn how to buy excellent businesses at half price. The best investors in the world (guys like Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett) have used this formula again and again to maximize returns.

Mutual funds drop when the market drops and financial advisors take 1-2% off the top, whether or not you’ve earned anything. RULERS know how to invest on their own for financial success and freedom.

You’ll get this formula for investing success at the workshop.

* Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.

Rule #1 has been changing lives
for 15 years.

What Rulers Are Saying

Day 1

Learn the Basics

You’ll be walked through each step of the research process. Using the formulas and Excel sheets Rule #1 investors use every day, you’ll learn how to invest like the best.

Day 2


Today, you’ll put your skills to the test! You get to select a company to research as a potential investment and compete against the other attendees for a $1,000 cash prize. After that wraps up, you’ll visit Phil’s ranch for a BBQ.

Day 3

Start Investing

Build your stock “watchlist” with Phil and his team of coaches! You’ll leave the event with the companies and confidence you need to get started.